
Saturday, April 9, 2011

Wordfuse (Self Sufficient Edition)

It took me years to understand, accept really, that no one was going to hand it to me on a silver platter sterling eating receptacle. So I created my own luck. It's surprising how tenacity, courage and hard work add up to a plucky break, maybe even a plucky streak.

It also took me years to realize that despite all that hard work, I still might fail. And that's okay. See "better pluck next time."

(Now get the pluck out of bed and get going.)


Sultan said...

I don't believe in luck but I respect it.

Homemaker Man said...

Sometimes you get a bad break. Then you're plucked.

triles said...

Luck is one of those things, the harder you work, the more of it you seem to have.

Antares Cryptos said...

Following you and Tim Riley: Ditto.

Windsmoke. said...

I still come across people now and then whinging and moaning because things in life aren't handed to them on a silver platter and you know what i say to them "Get off your big fat lazy bottom and fight for want you want out life because the world doesn't owe you nothing you have to earn it" :-).

Alittlesprite said...

Good things come to those who wait?? I don't think so!
Good things come to those who WORK FOR IT!

Pluck yeah!!

Unknown said...

Whilst I agree with you all, I still sadly know some people that dont have to work for it. Life just seems to bring them whatever they want/need without them having to lift a finger.

The Defiant Marshmallow said...

As always, a finely chosen and constructed Wordfuse. You realize, by making another well-crafted post like this, that you are demonstrating Plucky Break. This is an example of someone making something that is difficult, look easy and effortless.

I would even suggest to commentor, Jono, that this is what he is seeing when he talks of people who apparently have things just handed to them, or fall into their laps. It's often the hard work that you never see, only the result, and it can be hard to understand.

Regardless, dbs, masterful work, and a pleasure to read.

G said...

I agree you make your own luck in the world

DB Stewart said...

@LoC Well said.
@Homemaker Man Ha. True.
@Tim I concur.
@AC *clap*
@Windsmoke Exactly.
@alittlesprite Pluck yeah = awesome.
@jono I understand your comment; I still feel like that sometimes but then I wonder about the inner struggle or what price they paid. But then some people do indeed win the lottery.
@DM Thank you for your kind words.
@G It makes sense to me. I'm not sure who said it, "about 80% of success is just showing up."

Missy said...

I love this!
I could use a Plucky Break right about now...

Mrs. Tuna said...

As opposed to pluck you.

Matty said...

I wasn't born with a silver spoon in my mouth either. And I can remember my dad kicking the ever plucking crap out of me on a few occasions. You know, to keep me on the straight and narrow.

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