
Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Things that are most likely the devil:


Vinny C said...

Why, oh why, do I have to start driving?! This just gives me more to worry about.

Chelle said...


Antares Cryptos said...

What does that actually MEAN?
1. The engine looks the same as before?
2. The engine is still where I last saw it?
3. Thanks. Ok. Yep.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Oh yeah, that's a biggie.

Windsmoke. said...

The Devil is asking you to spend money you haven't got

Unknown said...

Correction: this post should be titled "Things that are Surely The Devil." I hate that light.

Unknown said...
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manders said...

our "check engine" light has been on for years. the engine is fine, but the light refuses to go off. now we can never trust the car's warnings.

Leigh said...

Even though I am fully capable of dealing with that evil little light, I tend to play helpless and call for Mister W. to fix it just so I don't have to. I figure I birthed his children, he can fix the car!

baygirl32 said...

definately the devil!

Alittlesprite said...

lol.. But it IS important!
If your onboard computor has detected something amiss, it could get very expensive if you ignore it.
like blown heads or something..not fun..

Homemaker Man said...

Maybe it's something good? Like "Check engine. It baked you a cake!"

DB Stewart said...

@VinnyC Avoid driving altogether. See Loach's post re: gas prices.
@Chelle You have one of these lights too, don't you.
@AC I look at engines the same way.
@DSWS Unless it's just the light that's malfunctioning? Yeah. I enjoy deluding myself.
@Windsmoke Ha! Exactly.
@paul I know you know my pain.
@manders See above. That's the hope I cling to.
@Leigh That seems fair.
@baygirl Yup!
@alittlesprite You crochet AND fix vehicles too. You continue to amaze me.
@Homemakerman Ha! Why hasn't someone invented that?

Unknown said...

Oh, dbs, I would NEVER say that I KNEW someone's pain (that's what my bechelor's in Psych has taught me). I have gone through similar situations and believe that I have felt something similar to what you are going through now... and it sucks. :)

Alittlesprite said...

I can build your house, make your curtains, crochet a few doilies, then fix your!

Hubby and I have worked on a lot of cars. And an old bus. SO I know more than the average female. Hubby thinks it's hot, especially when I break out the Mig welder.. lol..

Alittlesprite said...

LOL! @ Homemaker Man

Chelle said...

I have a terrible story about my vehicle lights and I'm sure I'll go to hell for it. I will tell is some day when I don't feel so typinglazy.

DB Stewart said...

@paul That still works for me.
@alittlesprite The welder?! *jealous face* I want to make welder art.
@Chelle *anticipating another hilarious post*

Nicki said...

Don't get freaked out on all my upcoming old comments. I'm not a crazy blogstalker, I swear. My Google Reader loads a month's worth of old posts into my post feed when I first subscribe.

HOWEVER. My check engine light is so very much the devil that I don't fill it with coolant anymore. I fill it with holy water.

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