
Friday, April 29, 2011

Survey Says?

I saw this survey online. Which would you give up first?
a. Cell phone
b. TV
c. Spouse

It made me laugh. And then it made me think. How many people would choose cell phone? Honestly. How many people?

About four years ago now, major newspapers reported that there was one cell phone for every two people in the world. Imagine how many exist now.

This is not a post intended to complain about cell phones. That would make me a hypocrite. Although I don’t have a cell phone I would be extremely reluctant to give up my iPod. Or most definitely my laptop. How would I continue to email? Tweet? Blog? Shop online? I can’t imagine my life without these.

That’s odd though isn’t it? I can’t imagine my life without these various forms of technology and the luxuries they provide? When I let that process for a minute it makes me shake my head. Why?

Because actually, if I’m really honest, I can’t imagine my life without my family, my friends, ice cream, books, salsa, falling asleep on the couch, art, music, laughing, nature, my home, carpenters, plumbers, root beer, frogs croaking at night when it’s finally finally Spring and that’s just what I experienced in the last few hours. There’s so much more too.

It reminds me of this key question: “is the glass half empty, half full, or twice as large as it needs to be?” 


Oilfield Trash said...

I would give up spouse and phone before I gave up watching sports on tv.

karensomethingorother said...

oh, I'd totally give up my cell phone. They only time it rings now is to introduce me to some fabulous new porn thingy, or for a wrong number. Other than that, I text my DAD. Ha ha. It's a stupid thing I only keep thanks to paranoia: "if I don't have a cell phone, and my car breaks down on the road and I'm all alone and A WOMAN..." yeah, you get it.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

I don't have a cell phone. But My Rare One has an iPhone and she is addicted to it. ADDICTED. I wouldn't want to tempt fate by making her choose.

Vinny C said...

Cell? Sure! TV? No problem! Computer?


Vinny C said...

I'm sorry. It seems I fainted just now. What were you just saying?

Kev D. said...

It's only a matter of time that someone invents something that IS all three.

"Have you met my iWife? She can make phonecalls, stream crystal clear television AND have my babies."

Dr. Cynicism said...

OBVIOUSLY the glass is half empty. I mean, I would know, right?! Also, I was shocked to hear myself say that I'd give up TV before a cell phone. Now that they can do everything, including internet, no one's going to pry it from my fingers.

Alistair said...

Ah - the old 'optimist or pessimist' routine.

I remember an old boss of mine pulled that one on me and was a bit surprised when I refused to let him peg me as either. I said I was an opportunist and what I saw was the chance to have a drink!

{I'd give up my mobile phone in a heartbeat. Blooming thing keeps interrupting me.....}

Nicki said...

I hate my phone for "phone purposes." Voice mails will NOT get read for at least a month. Computer, however? Nope. Couldn't live. Couldn't write. Couldn't eat.

Nicki said...

Dear Nicki: voice mails do not get "read." They get "heard." Now go back to verbschool and come back with an honest degree.

Windsmoke. said...

I gave up my spouse years ago and haven't look back since :-).

Anonymous said...

T.V.-that was an easy one. As long as I have a computer.

DB Stewart said...

@Giggle Thanks! I'll check out your site soon.
@OT Just for golf? (Just kidding.)
@karen I understand.
@DSWS Ha! Better not mention this survey to her then.
@VinnyC Me too. And dude. Calm down. Remember it's just like one of those what would you take to a deserted island type surveys.
@KevD Whoa. That should be the topic of your next post.
@DrC Yes. I see your point. I couldn't live disconnected anymore either.
@Alistair "Chance to have a drink" =awesome.
@Nicki "verbschool" = hilarious.
@Windsmoke Ha!
@TheCC Yeah you're right. It is becoming obsolete (expect for movie nights).

Chelle said...

I have a blackberry. I got it in September. I hate it and I could definitely live without it. I lived without a cellphone until I got it. It's glitchy and sucks. I have an ipod touch which I like, but I can imagine life without it. My laptop, though... How I love my laptop.

And Neil.

Chelle said...

Oh yeah, I forgot about TV, because i already practically live without it. I'm not attached to television.

baygirl32 said...

tv would be first to go, I'm having an affair with my iPhone, so I guess husband would be second

Antares Cryptos said...

Which island are you moving to? Send me a postcard via dolphin mail.

Nicole Leigh Shaw said...

It's clear to me now that I have my iPad that my new, exciting life is sponsored entirely by Apple. I hope my hubby can get on the company payroll or I might have to start seeing other smartphones. I mean, men.

Hey, I kid. Today I spent the majority of the day outdoors watching my kids gambol around the yard. It was intoxicating in the most clear-headed way.

Sandra said...

Ugh...such a deep question for a Friday, but if I had to be brutally honest, there's not way I'm giving up my cell phone...and it doesn't even do anything cool. It just dials and texts. If it could actually access the internet, I suspect I'd pick the phone over my husband...don't tell him, he pays my cell bill.

Sultan said...

Instead of giving things up, I am focusing on taking more things on.

triles said...

I'd give up TV. Seems like I'll be able to watch just about anything on my phone pretty soon.

Dig the new look for the blog by the way.

Alittlesprite said...

In june/july holidays we are going to a cabin out in the bush. No electricity, cell phone coverage, computers, tv, nothing. Just me and my family....



Ask me AFTER how that

Teachinfourth said...


Then phone.

I'm glad you didn't say blogging...

(Insert audible sigh here)

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