
Sunday, April 3, 2011

Wordfuse (Unhealthy Addiction Edition)

Is this really educational?
Why did people buy tickets to this?

fiascodependent (adj): fiasco + codependent = our modern-day unhealthy (perhaps even addictive?) attachment to narcissistic screw-ups and farce paraded as reality. See Snooki, Charlie Sheen, Teen Moms, et al. 


Debra She Who Seeks said...

It's the same reason people slow down on the highway to rubberneck at accidents. Morbid curiosity.

Vinny C said...

I agree. They inspire a form of morbid curiousity for most of us. I'm actually more concerned about the ones who get addicted to following them as actual fans.

Homemaker Man said...

How about asshololic?

DB Stewart said...

@DSWS Yup.
@VinnyC Me too.
@HomemakerMan Nicely done.

Sultan said...

The horrifying thing is that these people are heroes to some. Very disheartening.

G said...

it seems we all just love watching people self destruct

Antares Cryptos said...

Great word-fuse. Never enjoyed watching someone fail, especially when they think they're...not going to say it.

Windsmoke. said...

I reckon T.V. reality shows come under this wordfuse because they are not reality just fiction and fantasy full of wannabe failures :-).

Alittlesprite said...

Had to google what a "Snooki" is.
....Oh my.....


Chelle said...

I thought for sure the next word would be hungoverzealous.

Alistair said...

My wordfuse on this one would have to be 'delubelief'. Deluded. Beyond. Belief.

Anonymous said...

Really Gr8 ! Thanks For sharing..

DB Stewart said...

@LoC Agreed.
@G Sad but probably true.
@AC I appreciate the restraint you showed in that comment; too bad some of these celebrities have no notion of self-restraint.
@Windsmoke True.
@alittlesprite So she hasn't infiltrated Australia? That's great.
@Chelle Ha! That is such a good wordfuse.
@Alistair Another good wordfuse and very appropriate.
@Anonymous Did you comment in the wrong place? Are you someone I went to school with? *crossing fingers you are not Mr. Sapara*

Nicole Leigh Shaw said...

And the Bachelor. What is wrong with those people?

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