
Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Wordfuse (Backstabber Edition)

Don't you hate it when persnickety people, the ones who always whine and complain about the most trivial things, go behind your back to do it? Persnickenshitheads.


Vinny C said...

I find that the more people complain about something, the more likely they are going to go out & do the same thing they complain about.

Irritates the hell out of me.

Mrs. Tuna said...

Hey, stop talking about me.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

The world is full of them.

Unknown said...

I do hate that. :)

DB Stewart said...

@VinnyC No doubt.
@Mrs.Tuna Oops.
@DSWS Plenty too many.
@paul Me too.

Chelle said...

Off topic: Also pick up the book, "Everything Bad Is Good For You" by Steven Johnson. I've almost finished it in one sitting.

Alittlesprite said...

There is a woman at karate my hubby dosent like for this very reason. Complains about everything... How she managed to become a brown belt I can't imagine...

Antares Cryptos said...


Nicole Leigh Shaw said...

Persnickenshit! I'm, just, I'll need to find someone to call that. To their face.

Sultan said...

Often there seems to be happiness found in the pursuit of unhappiness.

It is very odd.

Heather said...

I myself am pretty passive aggressive, so I like it because then I can do the same thing!

Kelli Hale said...

Love it! I think the world would also greatly benefit from the general use of the word persnickety more too. lol

DB Stewart said...

@Chelle Off topic or not: thanks!
@alittlesprite Considering the wordfuse, I feel like there's a joke to be made out of that "brown" belt comment somehow.
@AC Sure is.
@Nicole Dare you. (It could be done in a very passive-aggressive way.)
@LoC So true.
@Heather Are you in Junior High? ;)
@SunnyD I agree.

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