
Tuesday, April 19, 2011

This is my hood.

This is my neighbourhood. Word.
What's yurs like?


Oilfield Trash said...

Pretty cool sign. I can't read any of the signs near my house because they are all in Spanish.

Alistair said...

One of the narrow local roads nearby has a diamond shaped 'TOOT' sign on a bad bend to remind you to blow your horn. Never seen another one anywhere......

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Hey, you're living in the ritzy end of town, eh?

vickilikesfrogs said...

You gave me a great idea! I'm going to take pics of silly shit around my 'hood and post them tomorrow or the next day. I already have a couple of things in mind...

Elly Lou said...

I live near Dykes Lumber. Their sign still has all the letters. So I'm not at all sure why that's relevant. I just thought it should be said.

DB Stewart said...

@OT Hopefully this does not include traffic signs.
@Alistair I have seen a sign labeled "dip" but never "toot." Take a photo.
@DSWS You betcha. Nice propane container, eh?
@vickilikesfrogs Me too.
@EllyLou Dykes need lumber too.;)

Eeshie said...

I loved your profile. "Hot fat guy"

Insanely funny you are, my friend. Insanely funny.

Mixed Martial Arts Los Angeles said...

My hood doesn't have quite the classiness, but close. I live two blocks from a shopping center and stores near by. There is a massage place that is literally named "Happy Relax." Now, if that doesn't raise a few eyebrows...

Alittlesprite said...

Got Wood?

There is a sign on one of the exits off the highway near here that says


So every time I go past it I go "WOO!!!"

The Gaelic Wife said...

What's a neighbourhood? We don't have those down here in the U.S. We only have neighborhoods. ;) Y'all throw in extra letters all the time. Neighbourhood. Your. Maybe the sign with the Yur is Americanizing yur neighborhood.

Alistair said...

That silly sign photo can be seen in this post from last year on the blog...

The Gaelic Wife said...

@Alistair - "Toot". I like that. Is that anything like "Honk"? Do cars in Scotland make potty sounds and cars in America make geese sounds?

Nicki said...

Well...speaking of wood...there is an honest-to-God furniture store near my house called "Good Wood."

Windsmoke. said...

My hood is a classy place because we know how to spell :-).

The Defiant Marshmallow said...

I'll bet you get some interesting sounds with that view as well. I'll repost my hood from the air, plus throw in a ground panorama. I like this.

Homemaker Man said...

I can't tell if you spelling of neighborhood is ironic or Canadian. Which is pretty much the problem Americans have with everywhere else.

Your hood is probably a notch and a half above mine.

DB Stewart said...

@Eeshie Thanks. I'm heading to your blog right now.
@MMaLA Yup. It definitely raises, uh, eyebrows.
@alittlesprite Ha!
@TGW Clever deduction. I try to use Canadian spellings 'cause I'm Canadian like that. If you're interested in this sort of thing check out the fantastic book Eats, Shoots and Leaves by Lynne Truss. It's hilarious.
@Alistair I'm going to have to start reading more of your archives. Thanks.
@Nicki Uh, wood is good.
@Windsmoke Spelling is indeed important.
@TheDM I like that you like this.
@HMan No irony intended, just spelling like a Canadian. Although I'm glad I made you think.

Chelle said...

High- larious. Isn't that a new sign, too?

Now take a picture of the Hoose.

Alittlesprite said...

Aussies spell it like this- Neighbourhood also. Americans are wrong.. Heheheee!

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