Those were the days, eh?
That IS some serious metabolic fortitude!
That's some genius niche marketing.Also: So unfair.
Sure, we can be jealous of that. And we can even let them rub it in. But we can also take off our shirts and give them a preview of their future, thereby completely ruining the moment for them.#dadpaybacks
At least he believes in only consuming healthy items.
I think I can still tackle that challenge. Sure, I'd need a long nap after, but I could do it.
@TheDM Hahahahahahahaha. #suchagoodidea
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Those were the days, eh?
That IS some serious metabolic fortitude!
That's some genius niche marketing.
Also: So unfair.
Sure, we can be jealous of that. And we can even let them rub it in.
But we can also take off our shirts and give them a preview of their future, thereby completely ruining the moment for them.
At least he believes in only consuming healthy items.
I think I can still tackle that challenge. Sure, I'd need a long nap after, but I could do it.
@TheDM Hahahahahahahaha. #suchagoodidea
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