
Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Things that deserve the stink-eye:

Not one, not two but THREE.
what sixteen-year-old boys eat.



Debra She Who Seeks said...

Those were the days, eh?

Anonymous said...

That IS some serious metabolic fortitude!

Didactic Pirate said...

That's some genius niche marketing.
Also: So unfair.

The Defiant Marshmallow said...

Sure, we can be jealous of that. And we can even let them rub it in.

But we can also take off our shirts and give them a preview of their future, thereby completely ruining the moment for them.

Sultan said...

At least he believes in only consuming healthy items.

Vinny C said...

I think I can still tackle that challenge. Sure, I'd need a long nap after, but I could do it.

DB Stewart said...

@TheDM Hahahahahahahaha. #suchagoodidea

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