
Sunday, May 20, 2012

Wordfuse (Think Again Edition)

This is what I think we should call it when we fail to see (or choose not to see) what an excellent opportunity a negative experience can be and thus miss or dismiss a chance to grow and change.


Pickleope said...

So it's like when opportunity knocks and you choose to instead of answering turn off all the lights and stay really quiet. Hopefully by just knowing about this word, it will help those of us adept at missing opportunity take the time to see what's right in front of us.

Alistair said...

Sound like this one has a story behind that you're not letting on about dbs........

wendy said...

yup...there is some good food for thought there.
Nopportunity...knocks at my door more often then I'd like.
So, I'll let him in and see how I can grow and improve from that cussed visit.

Vinny C said...

Word! In the past few years I've learned a lot about finding the silver linings behind the clouds in my life. Glad to finally have a name for it.

Kelly said...

Good One!~ I think I'm having one of those right now. Do I call the police when my teenager storms off with the car or do I try and show empathy for all the stress and change he's about to go through? He's graduating next week...

Al Penwasser said...

So I'm thinking I should have taken Bill Gates call back in the 90s.

Shockgrubz said...

I'll be using this wordfuse in my discussions today. Thanks for being an inspiration!

Mrs4444 said...


Did you ever read the word I coined? If not, you're welcome to share it some time:

endxiety--the anxious feeling one gets nearing the end of a DVRed show, when you fear the last minute will be cut off.

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