
Friday, October 7, 2011

Things one should never outgrow:

crafting a home-made mini skate-board park. Just 'cause.



Munk said...

Architects do this sort of thing all the time.

Nubian said...

Genius. I bet this is how Tony Hawk started.

Pickleope said...

Miniature head trauma? Hilarious. Creativity and ingenuity should always be encouraged. Very cool. Maybe you can sell it to Hasboro or some other toy company...or just keep it for your own enjoyment and pride, yeah, that works too.

Anonymous said...


Sub Radar (Mike) said...

That's awesome... I can never get my fingers to work those little skateboards quite right tho.

Vinny C said...

You never know. Maybe ants like skateboarding.

Al Penwasser said...

And mini-skateboard dudes. Made by a mini-Frankenstein.

mamtc said...

Good ones. You must be too smart.very funny

Alittlesprite said...

Narly Dude!

Rubye Jack said...

Like father, like son.

karensomethingorother said...

right on! What did he use for the "rails"?

Sandra said...

chicks dig this stuff...umm..not really, but you keep telling the boy that. In the meantime, buy him a nice car: chicks dig that too!
(Cute post #chicksdidthisstuff)

Sultan said...

Very handy. I have some projects for you when you are ready.

Claire Beynon said...

dbs - I suspect there'd be a good many folk who'd consider trading their wonkygenes for yours. Lovablegoofballteens come from lovablegoofballdads. Looks like you make a grand creative team ; )

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