My brain has learned to just stay quiet during these situations. It doesn't matter what he tries to say anyway.
I've never had this stuff. What do you eat it on? It might go nice with Nutella.
I think fat-free food is french for flavor-less
Is it possible that this might not be healthy?
Put this in a pumpkin pie and it's unbelievable !
I don't know if I could eat that time a friend and I spooned down an entire jar together at a spend-the-night party.....gag. How did we do that kind of thing as kids?
This is what rocket scientists come up with in their spare time.Editing for comment typos is what google did not come up with. Yet.
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My brain has learned to just stay quiet during these situations. It doesn't matter what he tries to say anyway.
I've never had this stuff. What do you eat it on? It might go nice with Nutella.
I think fat-free food is french for flavor-less
Is it possible that this might not be healthy?
Put this in a pumpkin pie and it's unbelievable !
I don't know if I could eat that time a friend and I spooned down an entire jar together at a spend-the-night party.....gag. How did we do that kind of thing as kids?
This is what rocket scientists come up with in their spare time.
Editing for comment typos is what google did not come up with. Yet.
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