
Sunday, June 9, 2013


What does this sign mean?!

1. Only ladies are allowed?
2. Only ladies and girls are allowed?
3. Only ladies with female babies are allowed?
4. Only ladies with twins are allowed?
5. Only those creepy twins from The Shining are allowed?


Vinny C said...

The creepy twins from The Shining was the first thing I thought of too. I can't argue. I'd let them have their own ladies' room.

Anonymous said...

Clearly it's a creepy The Shining thing. Clearly.

Pickleope said...

Definitely just creepy Shining twins. They probably also have a "Bloody Mary" and Children of the Corn bathroom. Basically a bathroom for all things that creeped people out as children.

Adam said...

wow they do look like they're from the shining

CLR said...

Oh bother, I think they may be playing on the stereotype that women (girl toddlers?) MUST travel to the facilities en masse. I never once, needed moral support on a trip to the WC. Geez.

Homemaker Man said...

Maybe you can change your baby for one that looks exactly the same?

michael.offworld said...

Circular reminder of our mortality.

wendy said...

Now that is very odd that there are 2 little girls on that sign. Never seen that before.

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