
Thursday, July 19, 2012

Things that deserve the stink-eye:

when my teen son has more cash than I do!



Alistair said...

Let's face it buddy - almost everyone has more cash then us!

Pickleope said...

Does he just not believe in banks? Or does he get tips and he's dodging taxes?

Anonymous said...

Same here.

Kev D. said...

So that's what the new bills look like!

Canada... I leave for two years and you go and change all your money around...

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Maybe he'll lend you some, old man!

CLR said...

What colorful moola!!

The Defiant Marshmallow said...

Cool looking money.

Tell the boy that he owes you his life for not banishing him when he [insert some naughty thing he did here], and then tell him you'll settle for a couple of fifties and call it even.

Sultan said...

Hopefully he is headed to a poker game.

Amy S. Petrik said...

That looks like Monopoly money to this Yankee!

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