
Saturday, July 28, 2012

Things one should never outgrow:

sunset pondering.



Adam said...

lousy dyslexic skywriters

just kidding, nice sunset though

Alistair said...


And a photo so lovely it could be Scotland!! lol

Sultan said...


Vinny C said...

Sigh! Where I live now is so built up I almost never see the sunset nowadays. Just rooftops & power lines.

Mrs. Tuna said...

Red sky at night, sailor's delight.

CLR said...

I will NEVER outgrow that. I'll be 'that' old lady - bent and stooping to pick up shells, gnarled toes in the sand, white hair flying in the breeze...happy.

Al Penwasser said...

Beautiful, beautiful.
Red sky at night, sailor's delight.

Anonymous said...

I nominated you for the Liebster Award. I know you've been nominated before, so you're off the hook!

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