
Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Yeah, no. Probably Not.

Does anyone else do this to cool off?

Yeah, no. Probably not.

What you are witnessing is motivated by several factors:


Vinny C said...

I may have attempted something similar once or twice in the past... Possibly. I'm not making an official confession or anything. I may or may not actually be doing it right now. Once again, not a confession of anything.

DB Stewart said...

Ha! It feels good doesn't it Vinny?

Cheeseboy said...

Don' do it, but considering I too have cheese growing, I'll probably start.

Trooper Thorn said...

Plus it cools down your balls after a close shave!

Vinny C said...

It sure does-i mean-DID.

SherilinR said...

looks lovely & refreshing, but oh the foul stank sure to be floating on the air... cheese in rolls and a sweaty sack does not evoke to my mind any sort of pleasant aroma.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Hey, pretty shapely ankles there, dude. Woo hoo!

Pickleope said...

I'm going to my foot fetish message board and dropping a link! Of course, to the detriment of anyone in the room and accompanying 3 mile radius after a long day of work, I've done's the only way to get to bed sometimes.

Alistair said...

Oh yeah......

I make a point of never having a camera with me though....

(It's especially nice after a cool shower)

Do you feel any better for knowing you're not alone now you have made several of us confess?

Anonymous said...

I can't even believe your wife would not want to experience this level of sexy!

karensomethingorother said...


Bah, who am I to be all uppity--it's stupid hot out. NO AC?!? MON DIEU!

Hell, I'm about to go sit out in my kid's pool, which comes up to just past my waist while I'm sitting. I won't be posting THAT picture.

no more talk of cheese growing, please, mens. I have to make lunch soon.

karensomethingorother said...

oh snap. I didn't read Sherilin's comment yet. I ought to have known she'd have a topper.

DB Stewart said...

@Cheeseboy Hence your name.
@TT Ha! TMI.
@Sherilin Er, I never thought about the aroma. Oops.
@DSWS Nice to hear. Thanks.
@Pickleope NO PLEASE! But thanks for your honesty.
@Alistair Sneaky eh? I live for complicity.
@Mel HA! Awesome comment.
@karen No picture? C'mon.

wendy said...

WE have NOT been that hot. but, in the privacy of your own home, I think you've come up with a good idea.

smart man

Nubian said...

Cute toes.

michael.offworld said...

I'm thinking you are downwind from some bad smelliness there.

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