
Friday, May 31, 2024

Things that deserve the stink-eye:

My son gave me a battery-powered chainsaw for my birthday. I LOVE IT. 


Whoa: the dopamine hit from this thing?! *chef's kiss*

I am like that annoying semi-retired superhero next door, sawing sawing sawing while wearing my yardwork Grandpops flat-cap and sketchy hole-in the knees superhero pyjamas, saggy everywhere, except for (of course) my biceps. 

Although I am characteristically a gentle man, pshaw, Chris Hemsworth. 

Anyway, if I am unable to find more things to saw, you should know, dear neighbour, that I will begin chainsaw-light-sabering the most evil force of all: spruce bugs. You're welcome.


Margaret (Peggy or Peg too) said...

I have some wood that needs your new chainsaw...just sayin'

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Do you REALLY need all those trees in your yard? How about your neighbours?

Anvilcloud said...

We still have a corded lawnmower, but I think many people have converted. It's a pain, but we have little to mow, so I think I'll just endure the dratted cord.

Christina said...

I am going to add a chainsaw to my Christmas wish list. A must-have, for sure. I spent some time sawing an old fallen tree to pieces with an ordinary hand saw this morning. I could have achieved so much more with a chainsaw!

Jim and Barb's Adventures said...

We have the same saw. Super handy!

Anonymous said...

Ag: yup. "Chainsaw everything" I KNOOOOW. Good thing when you overdo grows back. Sort of. Didnt know some bushes can turn into trees...

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