
Wednesday, April 3, 2024

That Time

That time it was my granddaughter's third birthday and she and her Pops (me) got to spend the entire day with each other:

  1. Before she left for work, her Mom made us morning birthday smoothies. Yum! 
  2. Our new 3-year old asked for cereal for breakfast. 
  3. We played Velcro catch.
  4. Her Dad played the piano and we ate a few (begged-for) left-over Easter bunny treats.
  5. Dance Party! The only song she approved was Taylor Swift's Lavender Haze, the Remix and "no pics, POPS, just dancing!" (I got one pic.)
  6. Next she chose a movie: The Fantastic Mr. Fox (aptly named, but her Pops still fell asleep for nearly 30 minutes). 
  7. We had pancakes with peanut-butter and strawberries for lunch.
  8. We opened ONE of her presents (a balancing game I knew she'd love), and when the pieces fell over she laughed and said, "nana nana boo boo" so we named this new game, "Nana Nana Bonk Bonk." We played it 1207 times.
  9. (There may have been one little time out that involved her little brother. Oops.)
  10. Outside on the deck we blew 1207 bubbles and she tried to catch each one. 
And this was only half the day! To quote Taylor Swift, dear M, "I love you bigger than the whole sky." 


Pearson Report said...

Joyfulness fills the page here... there's nothing as uplifting as the world through 3 year old eyes.
Here's to many more special days.
Cheers. Jenny

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Happy 3rd Birthday to your little granddaughter! She sure wore you out pretty quick, old man! LOL!

Anvilcloud said...

You are blessed, and you know it. She doesn't know it, but she is blessed to have you.

Christina said...

I look forward to having grand children, and celebrating their birthday and spending time with them. It sounds like fun (although you must be exhausted!).

Kathy G said...

It sounds like the best day ever.

37paddington said...

What a wonderful day with your precious newly minted 3 year old! "No pics, Pops, just dancing" —love it! We have that balancing game too. My son gave it to me for Christmas knowing I'd adore it. We all had covid for Christmas and New Year so we got together and celebrated and opened presents in January and we all played that game. It was so much fun!

Ami said...

That's so sweet. Little people are the best thing there is if you ask me. No one has asked me. But if they had....

Thanks for stopping by my blog. My life is not boring. It sounds like your life is full of joy, too.

Jeanie said...

An experience like that is one to treasure forever. She will remember it always -- and so will you.

Thanks for popping in to visit me at Marmelade Gypsy. It's nice to "meet"you.

Mr. Shife said...

Sounds like a pretty awesome day. You made some amazing memories with your granddaughter and celebrated her special day in the best way possible.

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