At least once, shouldn't everyone get their very own
miracle? Like some really immense-amazing-astonishing epic-event-experience
that alters-mend-transforms everything? A blockbuster moment?
That’d be cool. And to answer that question, yes. But no
too. No.
Stop waiting for cloud 9. Because while you’re waiting,
clouds 1-8 already drifted by. And look,
there went another one.
Albert Einstein said, ““There are only two ways to live your
life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything
is a miracle.” I completely agree. Sometimes every ugly once-in-a-while nothing
much seems like a miracle to me. I admit it. But usually, I choose to choose
the other way. I choose to see the wonder, the phenomenon, the divine, whatever
you want to call it. I guess what I’m saying is marvel at the marvels or you’ll
lose your marbles. Miracles are particularly easy to find if you decide to look
for them. Some examples:
1. Grapes turn into wine. Miracle. (More
like science but still.)
2. Grapes turn into raisins. Miracle.
(Again, science, but still.)
3. Grapes. Miracle. (Boom.)
4. Most of the snow melts in January.
Miracle. (Er, more like climate change but still.)
5. Your dental appointment is cancelled.
Miracle. (Maybe a coincidence but still.)
6. Discover forgotten chocolate. Miracle.
(Maybe just forgetful but still.)
7. Didn’t completely screw up your kids.
Miracle of miracles!
8. People read this. Miracle. (Seriously.)
9. Air-conditioning. Miracle. (For those
three weeks in June? Totally.)
10. Someone
pretty and cool and pretty cool married you. Miracle. (Admit it.)
Agreed. Especially for number 10. Also, how could the fact that bacon, ham and pork all come from the same animal not be considered a miracle?
Don't wait for the miracles to come along, go out and find them!
Word to live by indeed!!
my dentist has plenty of miracles
Makes me think of that song "I believe in miracles." Now I can't get it out of my head. Is that a miracle too?
Being broke at the end of the month, and $20 shows up in the empty washer. Miracle.
Have you ever tried frozen grapes? Go ahead, put some in the freezer, leave them for a couple hours, then enjoy straight out of the freezer. Those are a miracle.
I couldn't agree more. I too, have those spells of miracleless meandering, and it is no way to live. I am thankfully back in the miracle-seeking business and loving every miraculous minute of it.
I could not agree more. It can be hard some days to keep your head in that space, but I choose the miracle view.
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