
Monday, September 23, 2013

Things that are most likely the devil:

what we just found in our garden.

We are definitely not farmers. Believe it or not that freak show propped up against our toaster and hissing like a...(Ok, ok. It's not hissing but it looks like it would hiss my face off if I let it.) is an ear of corn.

Yup. Delicious corn. But our corn is ugly as shit. And quite frankly, terrifying.

It looks like corn grown by The Children of the Corn or corn grown by The Hills have Eyes kids. (I don't recommend clicking these links.)

At least I have a Halloween costume idea now. And a new character dancing through my nightmares.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Man, that is UGlee.

Anonymous said...

Whoa...I saw it and immediately thought Blair Witch.

Vinny C said...

Maybe a person's thumb is green because it's radioactive.

Adam said...

that would cause some nightmares

wendy said...

Oh my Gosh, how freaky is that.

Kev D. said...


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