
Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Things that deserve the stink-eye:

this is what a teen boy's bed looks like in the morning.



Lorraine said...

Did he... did he cuddle the guitar? I'm confused.

Vinny C said...

I think I see it. A spot in the corner to the right... I think.

wendy said...

and girls can be just as bad

Adam said...

I've been there myself. I actually feel alseep on a clumped up blanket while waiting for my dog to finish her business outside last night. My mom had to let her in later that morning.

A Lady Reveals Nothing said...

With much diligence and ingenue, it can be done.

The Defiant Marshmallow said...

For a moment I thought I was looking at Wolfgang Amadeus Marshmallow's bed!

I swear I don't remember my bed ever looking like this.

Homemaker Man said...

He plays the guitar and it looks like he does his homework. What more can you ask?

Anonymous said...

Is he in there?

Anonymous said...

You MUST sneak in while he is sleeping and show us.

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