
Saturday, May 12, 2012

Things that are most likely the devil:

Pshaw. Yeah right Old Dutch. Well played, well played. Chips in our house never make it to the next day let alone the expiry date. Ditto everyone else's house I'm pretty sure. And you evil-corporation-whose-sole-purpose-is-to-keep-the-masses-addicted-to-mmm-deep-fried-salty-snacks know it.

On a loosely related note, I once drove by a potato chip factory in Prince Edward Island. Um yeah. And I am not embarrassed to say I remember it better than Anne of Green Gable's House. You know something? I bet heaven smells like chips. *hangs head in shame*



michael.offworld said...

Miss Vickies, salt free. I can eat them for hours.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Potato chips over Anne of Green Gables? Be careful Anne doesn't crack her slate across your head, Gilbert.

DB Stewart said...

@Michael Ditto.
@DSWS Well played. Well played.

Antares Cryptos said...

Bet you can't eat just one...

...and then I stopped gambling.

Unknown said...

It's funny, I feel like both shooting and kissing whoever came up with potato chips. Maybe I'd shoot them a kiss.

wendy said...

whoa may have pushed the boundries there a bit with remembering the Potato Chip factory over Anne of Green Gables.

However, I LOVE SALT AND VINEGAR potatoe chips....
I pretty much love all chips !!!!
If heaven smells like potato chips, perhaps I'll get a little more excited about going there.

wendy said...


spuds !!

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