
Tuesday, December 17, 2024

Things that deserve the stink-eye:

Let's be honest, learning to spell is hard, but adorable, and perhaps unintentionally awkward? Ask any seven year old, especially this one who has a good grasp of the letter sounds, if not technical clarity. A+ for phonics, 'not yet meeting' for orthography. :)

This young writer responded to the sentence stem, "Peace is...." 

Do you, ahem, agree with her? Or how would you complete the sentence? 

Oh, and peace be cwit you, ha.

(If you're struggling to solve this, unscramble these letters: etqui.)


Anonymous said...

Codex: Peace is sweet. Peace is seaweed. Very cute.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

It's the thought that counts!

Anvilcloud said...

I need orthography because I still don't know.

DB Stewart said...

Seaweed? Love it.

DB Stewart said...

It sure is, haha.

DB Stewart said...

It's probably a grade 1 teacher thing, ha. I added the answer to the post.

37paddington said...


Anonymous said...

Codex: quiet quite ????? Anagram of the whole sentence?

jabblog said...

You can often tell how people speak from the way they spell.

Nance said...

Kids are the best at showing just how dumb the rules of the English language are.

Christina said...

As a non native English speaker, I find both grammar and spelling confusing. Learning though! I tried to read this sweet child's interpretation of peace by remembering how my children learned to read.

Midwest Mark said...

Thank you for the answer key. I was struggling with that one!

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