
Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Things one should outgrow:

confirmation bias.  

Like an idiot, I went on Facebook for a while. It really is a wasteland of human confirmation bias, providing a spectrum of dopamine hits, head-shaking, and outright gasps. (Cute pics, though.)

New to me is the "Barnum Effect," which I argue is another form of confirmation bias, our susceptibility to believe what feels affirming. As some credit to circus guru P.T. Barnum, "there's a sucker born every minute." Despite this, I'd still like to identify as an INFJ, which confirms the emotional power of these psychological blind spots.  


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Interesting video on the Barnum Effect. But what I want to know is -- is it called the Barnum Effect based on P.T. Barnum's statement that there's a sucker born every minute?

It's all BS, of course, except Myers Briggs personality types and tarot (my particular two interests, LOL!)

DB Stewart said...

@Debrashewhoseeks Yes, my understanding is that the name alludes to that statement credited by some to PT Barnum. I should have mentioned that. Please see revisions.

And yes, I too want to believe in Myers Briggs, which is based on psych research, right (or am I just another sucker)?

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