
Monday, August 8, 2016

Things one should outgrow:

narrow thinking.

With age and life experience, I've noticed my worldview shifting more rapidly than it ever has. I've grown tired of narrow thinking, my own egocentrism and others too. Speaking of perspective, that's why I appreciate the leading lines in this photo I took while out for a walk in rural Saskatchewan. Imagine all the people not visible in this photo: airplane passengers, drivers, walkers, you, experiencing it vicariously, all of us, going somewhere. It seems to me that we are all from somewhere but only going elsewhere provides real perspective. One might decide that there's no place like home, but without travel, without trying to navigate through others' lives, without trying to intentionally understand those lives, how could one possibly know?

Henry Rollins said, "A great way to learn about your country is to leave it." It's also the only way to truly learn about yourself too.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Typical Saskatchewan.

michael.offworld said...

This where I feel most like me.

Al Penwasser said...

I have noticed that, as I've gotten older, my worldview has changed considerably. It's either the onset of wisdom...or dementia.

Idontknowwhatimtalkingabouteither said...

Because recently the world has changed drastically.

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