
Saturday, October 19, 2013

Things that deserve the stink-eye:

the home-made beer-pong table that showed up in my backyard.

Maybe this was my teen son's shop class project?



Sultan said...

Perhas making these tables could be a side business for him.

Anonymous said...

kinda cool:-)

Adam said...

does look home made

Antares Cryptos said...

It's called upcycling.

The next generation gives me hope.

Claire Beynon said...

Oh, I like it, dbs. A lot!

Alittlesprite said...

googles beer pong

Ken said...

.......did you at least try it out? You could call it a quality control check?

Kerry said...

Thinking about trading the giant wooden Smokey Bear placard that our son left with us for your table.

Unknown said...

I am not sure if you are aware, but the writing on the side "KCCO" stands for Keep Calm and Chive on. It was an expression that started during WW II meaning to stay young, or youthful. Now it refers to the the website Google it for laughs.

DB Stewart said...

Thanks Zoe. I think it was a group project.

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