
Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Things one should never outgrow:

driving your truck through the monstrous mud-puddles.



Debra She Who Seeks said...

So YOU'RE the bastard who soaked me on the sidewalk when you drove through that big puddle! You'll be getting the bill from my dry cleaner, buddy.

Rubye Jack said...

Yelp, it's those simple things in life that give us the most pleasure.

Ken said...

When it comes up around the front wheel and completely covers the windshield in muddy brown water that you have to turn on the wipers to clear it to be able to see the road again?......i know that feeling.

Anonymous said...

As we would say here in middle America - "Goin' muddin'"!

Alittlesprite said...

like the F150...

The Defiant Marshmallow said...

It just looks right this way.

Teachinfourth said...

Amen to that, my friend!

Mrs4444 said...

It's been a long time since I've seen a mud puddle! Luckyyyyyy!

michael.offworld said...

Oh yeah!

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