
Saturday, January 25, 2025

Would I steer you wrong?

I suspect I'm not the only highland steer who
feels that reading the daily news requires horns.
Nope. 😜

Happy Robbie Burns Day, dear friends. This charming artwork hangs in my son's bathroom and it makes me smile every time. 

For supper tonight I made my version of Scotch Broth, a hearty pearl barley soup with turnips, onions, and carrots. For Christmas, I gifted myself The Scottish Cookbook (by Coinneach MacLeod, the Hebridean Baker) so I'm hoping to expand my Scottish cooking beyond soup, shortbread, and scones. One more thing: although I'm not much of a drinker, I do have a favourite Scotch, Dalwhinnie. It's warm and sweet like caramel, but a bit spicy with a hint of smoke too. 

Whether you celebrate or not, Lang may yer lum reek. Slàinte mhath!


CheerfulMonk said...

I love that picture!

Debra She Who Seeks said...

That artwork looks like bullshit to me, hahahaha. Happy Robbie Burns Day!

P.S. Based on your book review and recommendation, I'm now reading "James" -- it's AWESOME!

Katlyn said...

Your meal sounds like it will be very tasty.

Anvilcloud said...

You must have tartan somewhere in your wardrobe.

37paddington said...

I’m taking my blog private. Please send me your email at 37paddington at gmail dot com. I’d hate to lose you from the fold.

Anonymous said...

Codex: Love the clever artwork. If you start experimenting with Haggis please don't tell us about it.
It's windy in that bathroom.

Anonymous said...

Codex: P.S. You forgot scottish sound and noise:

Kathy G said...

You've made me realize that I haven't had Scotch Broth in a very long time.

Bill said...

The artwork is awesome.

DB Stewart said...

Haha, yes! The visual pun is perfection.

DB Stewart said...


DB Stewart said...

My review of haggis is not so glowing: it's not terrible.

DB Stewart said...

Interesting coincidence: I'm 90% sure I saw these guys perform while in Scotland.

DB Stewart said...

It's yum.

DB Stewart said...

It sure is.

Pixie said...

I'm a day late. Happy Robbie Burns day. A large part of my ancestors came from Scotland, the poor part. Miners. If ever there was a worse job, I don't know. I just thought of one, having to kowtow to trump, or listen to him everyday, or having to be near him ever. Maybe mining wasn't so bad:)

jenny_o said...

LOL at that picture :D
Your Scotch broth sounds excellent.

Jim and Barb's Adventures said...

Ha! We have Highlanders in both of our bathrooms. We used to have a couple and maybe someday will again!

Shammickite said...

I have spent many days peeling spuds and turnips to prepare for our annual Robbie Burns Supper, but Covid has put an end to it. We held the great event (160 people!) in the main auditorium of a retirement home, but now they don't want to have so many outsiders come in, need to keep the seniors safe. However.... fingers crossed for next year! Happy Robbie Burns Day! A bit late, sorry.

Anonymous said...

Codex: Not surprised. They look like they've been around since Stonehenge.
All I've got is cats, books and tea. What happened to my inner Neanderthal? Need to have a chat with my ancestors. Happy belated Robbie Burns day.

Anonymous said...


DB Stewart said...

Oops, I meant to respond to your other comment too. Glad you're loving James; it's a fantastic story.

jabblog said...

Soup is perfect in the winter, especially Scorch broth. Haggis is good, too.

Mr. Shife said...

A belated Happy Robbie Burns Day to you. Love the photo. I think it would be a welcome addition in any home.

Anonymous said...


DB Stewart said...


Penghuni 60 said...

Hi DB Stewart...
First visit to this blog. Greetings from Indonesia.
Very interesting blog! :)

Tom said...

...since I live in a cave, Robbie Burns Day has never hit my radar screen.

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