Not long ago I quickly drove home at lunch to grab something. On the way out my back door, I must have pressed my vehicle's panic button on the fob but when I heard the noise I had no idea I was responsible. Shaking my head, I thought,
some poor idiot pressed the panic button...don't they realize the neighbours have two little kids? Rounding the corner heading for my vehicle, I realized the poor idiot was me so I grabbed my keys to quickly press the panic button and deactivate the noise but what I didn't know was that I also had the keys to our other vehicle, also parked in our driveway and thus I activated another panic button. Wait, what?! With both the first and the second panic alarms now blaring alternately, several thoughts all at once:
- What is happening?
- Who is the other idiot?
- Am I the other idiot? PANIC. Press ALL THE BUTTONS NOW.
- More PANIC.
- Am I both idiots? Press ALL THE BUTTONS AGAIN.
- It's like I'm 96 years-old.
- WTF?
And then FINALLY, quiet. Ugh.