
Monday, January 19, 2015

Just so you know, the answer is no.

Is it possible for me to NOT wonder every time I use a boot-boy if today is the day when he snaps and becomes a wood chipper?



Anonymous said...

It probably speaks to how privileged I am that I did not know what a Boot Boy was until you posted this. But, yes, it looks like a death trap.

Vinny C said...

Just another example of how how deviously smart the machines truly are. Sure, we'd expect giant killer robots & hover-tanks. We'd be ready for that. But no one will ever expect boot-boy maiming or being suffocated in their sleep by a roomba.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Jeez, thanks a lot! We have one of these at work and now I'll think that every time I use it too!

ghost said...

The roomba will just bump you for hours.

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