
Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Until the Rain Comes

It's been raining all day. Driving through rain today felt right. Finally. We all needed a rain. Not just to nourish the plants and crops around here but also to amplify the spring green from jade to something more like kelly. Only rain seems to do that. We can pour water on things repeatedly but they just don't flourish the same way until the rain comes.

I think sometimes that being a parent is like that. Like pouring water on things. It seems we parents are either pouring water on fires or watering potential. Planting a few seeds from an unmarked package, and trying to decide just how much water they need. How much warmth. Hoping we got it right. Doting. And doubting. And yet beyond what we do is this world, this baffling sublime life waters like nothing else. Right when we least expect it. Or exactly when it's needed.

I guess I'm talking about life experience. Impossible to control, life rains down sometimes in much needed showers or even a deluge on those we're raising. Either way the sun comes out after. And it still surprises me every time.


Nicole Leigh Shaw said...

That's a pretty damn poignant observation about rain. Both the metaphorical and the real. We are all scrambling to water our lawns and plants in my neighborhood during this dry spring. But everyone of us is hoping of rain to do it right, because somehow our efforts are falling short.

And lately, when I watch my oldest continue to morph into a real, live human and not just "my kid," I realize my efforts to "water" potential are along the lines of life-sustaining. It's the rains that life sends her way that are making her blossom.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Great analogy!

Anonymous said...

So very true. Life makes those little leaf tendrils curl toward the sun with or without us.

Ken said...

I like that thought.

I think though, that somebody put miracle grow into the rain they're using on the kids. Why are they all so much taller than they were when i was in school?

wendy said...

I like the rain....for a couple of days, then it can STOP.
It is very very grey and drizzly here.
And you are sooo right, only the rain really makes things look Greenest and most grand.
I loved your analogy. True in every way.
With 5 children (like myself)...I always had to find a new way of "gardening" that seed. Each possessing a different flower, needing different care.
And for sure on the deluges at times....and always, at the end, the Sun.
I love your insight my friend.

Whit said...

A good rain goes a long way. In every sense.

Alistair said...

And hopefully into a life a lot of rain will fall.

Your kind if rain that is mate.

Dr. Cynicism said...

Solid metaphor man.

Vinny C said...

So true. Both can do a world of good. But just like when it rains too hard for took long, Some of those life experiences can leave us a bit battered at first too. Love this analogy!

BugginWord said...

You know how sometimes you stumble upon thr perfect thing that you desperately needed but didn't know youneeded?

michael.offworld said...


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