
Saturday, June 23, 2012

Kinda Perfect:

bannock on a stick at the campfire.



Pickleope said...

And on this day, I learned what "bannock" is. Now I must seek it out and try it.

Rubye Jack said...

I also had to look up bannock. Good to know. Looks particularly good on the campfire.

Vinny C said...

We have something similar to bannock here. It's called or sada (from East Indian culture). Never tried it on a stick, though. Sounds interesting.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Mmmm, nothing better!

Sultan said...

Great photo.

Adam said...

nice campfire

Al Penwasser said...

Better than bollocks on a stick, I always say.

Mrs4444 said...

Learning something every day. Sounds yummy!

Happy Summer :)

Anonymous said...

Nothing like a good camp fire to make everything in life seem okay.

michael.offworld said...

I have to try that this year.

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